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  • Members 會員: Two-day Pass 兩天日程:$300
  • Non-members 非會員: Two-day Pass 兩天日程:$500
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Full Program 兩日議程表


第一日:2020年12月05 日 (星期六)

9:00 – 9:30 登記
9:30 – 11:30 開幕歡迎辭
香港教育大學特殊教育與輔導學系 許明得教授 及
香港婚姻及家庭治療協會 魏素華博士

主題演講一 Keynote Speech 1:
Mindfulness matters: Recognize and respond to children’s emotional distress with mindfulness
Speaker:Dr. Randye Semple

This session will be conducted in English, Cantonese translation will be available

11:30 – 11:45 小休
11:45 – 12:30 座談會一 Forum 1:
與主題演講者對話 Dialogue with Keynote SpeakerThis session will be conducted in English, Cantonese translation will be available
12:30 – 14:00 午饍
14:00 – 14:15 登記
14:15 – 15:15 下午工作坊 – 第一時段:

1.1 患精神病患的孩子如何走出困境-家庭、學校的啟示
 —  講者:黃瑋妍醫生

1.2 在校虛擬現實環境(VR)對自閉症兒童的社會適應性和情緒表達訓練計劃
 —  講者:劉淑瑩女士 – 香港城市大學  多媒體及互聯網創新技術應用中心

1.3 應用靜觀於兒童及家庭工作
—  講者:盧希皿博士 – 香港理工大學 應用社會科學系

15:15 – 15:45 小休
15:45 – 16:45 下午工作坊 – 第二時段:

2.1 以敘事向導理解有特殊學習需要孩子的父母
 —  講者:列小慧博士 – 香港理工大學

2.2 細說正語 靜聽心言
 —  講者:郭懿德女士 – 香港教育大學 特殊教育與輔導學系

2.3 「不以成績定成敗的世界」跨專業社區支援學障服務
—  講者:李穎妍女士及余健敏女士 – 香港明愛青少年及社區服務



第二日:2020年12月6日 (星期日)

9:00-9:30 登記
主題演講二 Keynote speech 2 :
The Hardship of Families with Children with ADHD in Pandemic  ;
A Systemic Review of Couple Therapy Research in Chinese Societies
11:00-11:30 小休
11:30-12:30 第一天工作坊 –上午時段:

3.1 丹尼遜健腦操®與特殊教育的故事
 —  講者:陳文瑤女士 – 香港教育大學 整全成長發展中心

3.2 不一樣的支援
 —  講者:中華基督教會基真小學學生支援團隊

3.3 親職的靈性層面
—  講者:容曾莘薇博士 – 香港婚姻及家庭治療協會 及 青草地全人發展中心

3.4 特殊需要子女家長的情緒管理-認知行為治療介入法的應用
—  講者:鄭燕萍女士 – 香港明愛康復服務

12:30-14:00 午饍
14:00-14:15 登記
14:15-15:15 第二天工作坊 –下午時段:

4.1 孩子的榜樣 – 如何有效地運用自身及坊間資源扶助自閉症譜系障礙學童的成長
 —  講者:賴成恩女士 – 香港教育大學展蕊計劃

4.2 電子個別學習計劃初探 – 如何在主流學校促進家校溝通及跨專業協作
 —  講者:潘啟祥校長 – 香港紅卍字會大埔卍慈中學

4.3 揉合跨專業訓練元素於特殊學習需要之親子治療性小組中
—  講者:香港聖公會福利協會團隊 – 高寶琪女士、顧靜儀女士及陳詠儀女士

4.4 育有特殊教育需要(SEN)或患自閉症譜系障礙(ASD)孩子的父母和他們的社會心理調適(包括功能和康健)
—  講者:李華坤先生 – 努力試課程訓練中心

15:15-15:45 小休
15:45-16:45 座談會二 :

公開論壇 – 就當天主題演講內容作回應及討論


香港教育大學特殊教育與輔導學系 許明得教授 及
香港婚姻及家庭治療協會 屈偉豪教授


Keynote Speech Details 主題演講詳情

Keynote Speech 1: Mindfulness matters: Recognize and respond to children’s emotional distress with mindfulness

Speaker:Dr Randye J. Semple

Mindfulness matters:

Recognize and respond to children’s emotional distress with mindfulness

Child and adolescent mental health problems have long been a serious public health concern in Hong Kong. Teachers, parents, and others who interact with children are facing increasing demands to identify and respond to children’s mental health needs before they escalate to crises or tragedies. Children show different signs and symptoms of anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic distress at different ages. Changes in academic performance; acting nervous, sad, irritable, restless, or oppositional; withdrawing from friends; having difficulty sleeping or concentrating; alcohol or substance use; and repeated physical complaints are all signs of emotional distress. Dr. Semple will discuss signs and symptoms that indicate a child may need mental health evaluation or treatment; describe ways to respond with mindfulness and compassion; and offer tips to create a supportive learning environment that is responsive to the emotional needs of all students.

Randye J. Semple, PhD is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California. Her research and clinical interests are in the applications of mindfulness to psychological health and well-being with focus on the development and evaluation of mindfulness-based interventions for children and adolescents in clinic and school settings. Dr. Semple is the lead developer of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Children (MBCT-C) and The Mindfulness Matters Program. She presents at national and international conferences, and authored or co-authored nearly 50 scientific publications. Her latest book, The Mindfulness Matters Program for Children and Adolescents (Guilford, 2019) is a flexible mindfulness guide for K-12 teachers, clinicians, and others who work with children. Dr. Semple serves on the steering committees for Mindful USC and the USC Center for Mindfulness Science, and on the research committee of the American Mindfulness Research Association. She earned her doctorate in clinical psychology from Columbia University in New York.

主題演講二 Keynote speech 2:疫情下患專注力不足/及過動症的兒童之家庭困境 The Hardship of Families with Children with ADHD in Pandemic ; 華人社會的婚姻諮商研究之系統評論 A Systemic Review of Couple Therapy Research in Chinese Societies


The Hardship of Families with Children with ADHD in Pandemic
A Systemic Review of Couple Therapy Research in Chinese Societies

This presentation comprises two different topics.

The first topic of presentation is ‘The Challenges of Families of Children with ADHD in the Pandemic’. The unexpected covid-19 pandemic has induced a new pattern of work-from-home policy and on-line learning that may cause significant disruption to the lives of children with ADHD and their parents. This study aims to understand the challenges and coping mechanisms of children with ADHD and their caregivers in the pandemic through qualitative interviews with twelve families of children with ADHD in Hong Kong. The findings may provide insights for the development of suitable services to these families.

The second one is ‘A Systemic Review of Couple Therapy Research in Greater China’. This study aims to explore the development of scholarly articles relating to couple therapy in Greater China from academic journals published in the past four decades between 1976 and 2016. This review analyzes 278 couple therapy articles with a focus on the question of “who are the authors?” and “what kinds of articles were published?”. Results show that the volume of Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau articles are 90, 88, 64 and 0 respectively; 190 of them are group authorship, and the first research was published in 1984. Women are three times more likely than men to be the key target group, and almost two-third of the works are identified as academic-led research. The findings imply that the indigenization of couple therapy research in Greater China with reference to its social and political context is addressed. The motto is, “think global but act local, promote the local to inform the global”.

Workshops Details 工作坊詳情

Day One Workshops 第一日工作坊

第一天下午工作坊 – 第一時段:1.1 患精神病患的孩子如何走出困境-家庭、學校的啟示

講者:黃瑋妍醫生 – 精神科專科醫生



Children  with Mental  Illness-   doctor’s role in families and schools

With mental illnesses being included as a SEN category under EDB, schools and parents are more willing to seek psychiatric assessments and treatment for children with mental health problems. What are some of the hurdles in helping these children thrive in the face of these challenges? How can we best support these families in working with different discplines and  navigating the system to attain the best outcome for their children?

第一天下午工作坊 – 第一時段:1.2 在校虛擬現實環境(VR)對自閉症兒童的社會適應性和情緒表達訓練計劃

講者:劉淑瑩女士 – 香港城市大學 多媒體及互聯網創新技術應用中心

在校虛擬現實環境(VR)對自閉症學童的社會適應性和情緒表達訓練計劃 (vPAD-II)

演講將演示並分享這基於VR的開創性社交適應和情感培訓(vPAD)培訓計劃,如何幫助ASD兒童做出適當反應並適應各種不同的社交環境。 團隊為患有ASD的學齡學生設計了八種獨特的心理學習方案。 這些沉浸式學習場景是通過多投影VR技術實現的,該技術提供了真實,沉浸,位置,安全和可控制的教育環境。

On school-sites virtual reality-based training program for social adaptive and emotional training on children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (vPAD-II)

The presentation will demonstrate and share how this pioneering VR based training programme for social adaptive and emotional training (vPAD), helps children with ASD to respond appropriately and adapt to a range of different social environments. The team has designed eight unique psychological learning scenarios for school-age students with ASD. These immersive learning scenarios were enabled by multi-projection VR technologies that provided an authentic, immersive, situated, safe and controllable educational environment.

第一天下午工作坊 – 第一時段:應用靜觀於兒童及家庭工作

講者:盧希皿博士 – 香港理工大學 應用社會科學系


工作坊將簡介靜觀訓練如何支援有特殊需要兒童及家長, 講者除介紹海外及本地的實證為本的靜觀課程, 亦會包括體驗性的靜觀練習。

Application of mindfulness in children and families

Children start changing themselves and the community with a picture…The Youth and Community Service team of the Hong Kong Caritas has started community support service for children with specific learning disability since 2000. Adopting a community-based intervention approach, the Caritas of Hong Kong aims at developing the potentials of children with special educational needs and their parents. The social workers involved in both the new innovative service ‘Artkids studio’ and the traditional service ‘Lively Children, Happy Parents’will share their experiences about clinical practice and professional growth.

第一天下午工作坊 – 第二時段:2.1 以敘事向導理解有特殊學習需要孩子的父母

講者:列小慧博士 – 香港理工大學 應用社會科學系



Narrative understanding of parents with special needs children

Use of narrative therapy in understanding and supporting mothers with SEN children : When the child was assessed as having special educational need, the parents has started a long journey that is full of different challenges. The problem of the child is so dominant that the parents are not able to see the alternatives in their lives. The use of narrative therapy helps the parent to have an alternative understanding of their children, which motivates them to continue their journey with joy and hope.

第一天下午工作坊 – 第二時段:2.2 細說正語 靜聽心言

講者:郭懿德女士 – 香港教育大學 特殊教育與輔導學系

細說正語 靜聽心言

若問, 「 言語治療,靜觀教養和正向教育加起來的總和是什麼?」是言語、語言理解表達與溝通的增長?是慈愛與智慧的呈現?是生命的盛放?

就讓特殊學習需要學生及其家人, 老師及專職關懷團隊在這空間「停」下來,「定」下來,關愛自己 。聆聽內在的生命,覺察生命不同面向。順應生命流向,容讓生命不同面貌的開展,護己護人

Compassionate Listening and Loving Speech Transform Life

If you ask, “What is the sum of speech therapy, mindful parenting and positive education?”

Is it the growth of speech, language and communication? Is it a manifestation of love and wisdom? Is it the life blossoming?

May students with special education needs and their families, teachers and multidisciplinary professionals have a pause in the space of stillness, giving loving-kindness to self.

Listening to the inner voice, Be aware of life perspectives. Flow with the tide of life, Allowing the facets of life to be unfolded, while caring self and others.

第一天下午工作坊 – 第二時段:2.3 「不以成績定成敗的世界」跨專業社區支援學障服務

講者:李穎妍女士及余健敏女士 – 香港明愛



Lively children, happy parents

Children start changing themselves and the community with a picture…The Youth and Community Service team of the Hong Kong Caritas has started community support service for children with specific learning disability since 2000. Adopting a community-based intervention approach, the Caritas of Hong Kong aims at developing the potentials of children with special educational needs and their parents. The social workers involved in both the new innovative service ‘Artkids studio’ and the traditional service ‘Lively Children, Happy Parents’will share their experiences about clinical practice and professional growth.

Day Two Workshops 日工作坊

第二天上午工作坊:3.1 丹尼遜健腦操®與特殊教育的故事

講者:陳文瑤女士 – 香港教育大學 整全成長發展中心



“Movement is the door to learning!”

Specific body movements like Brain Gym® can assist learners of all ages especially children with special educational needs to systematically stimulate and to integrate different areas of the brain for whole brain learning.  The story of Brain Gym® and special education will be shared to introduce how these body movements, cooperating with various “balance” processes, can enhance attention and cognitive skills, emotional control as well as to facilitate body coordination, etc.

第二天上午工作坊:3.2 不一樣的支援





Be different!

The members of the student support team provide support in different ways. It seems to be a mediocre support service. By creating an atmosphere and environment, setting goals and different strategies, we help students, families and teachers in need from multiple angles.

At the same time, at the administrative level, make good use of internal and external resources to help students discover strengths and highlights, provide a platform to develop their potential, and enable students with different ambitions and abilities to have a diversified outlet. Meanwhile, it can also create a positive campus atmosphere with mutual respect and appreciation.

第二天上午工作坊:3.3 親職的靈性層面

講者:容曾莘薇博士 – 香港婚姻及家庭治療協會及青草地全人發展中心



Spirituality in parenting

Highlighting the importance of spirituality in parenting, promoting self-awareness so that one does not get caught up in the functionality of the role.

第二天上午工作坊:3.4 特殊需要子女家長的情緒管理-認知行為治療介入法的應用

講者:鄭燕萍女士 – 香港明愛



Workshop on application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the handling of stressful emotion for parents with special needs children

Having the collaboration with Prof. Wong Fu Keung Daniel, Caritas Rehabilitation Service (Service) have started to apply Cognitive Behavioural Intervention (CBI) into the support services for parents with children having special needs since 2009. The Service have provided workshops, therapeutic groups and individual counselling service with the localized CBI, which is reference from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy from Aaron T. Beck, M.D.

In 2012, our Service and Prof. Wong have published a case book “家長情緒管理 – 認知行為介入法的理論及應用” with the experience of Caritas staffs applying CBI into parent counselling work.
In this presentation, our speaker will share the above practical experience in details.

第二天下午工作坊:4.1 孩子的榜樣 – 如何有效地運用自身及坊間資源扶助自閉症譜係障礙學童的成長

講者:賴成恩女士 – 香港教育大學



Mentoring ASD students – Making best use of ourselves and available resources to support personal growth of ASD students

Parents and teachers will learn about their roles when walking with ASD students. Experience on how to search, select and make best use of available resources will be shared.

第二天下午工作坊:4.2 電子個別學習計劃初探 – 如何在主流學校促進家校溝通及跨專業協作

講者:潘啟祥校長 – 香港紅卍字會大埔卍慈中學

電子個別學習計劃初探 —


An initial exploration of electronic IEP to facilitate parent-school communication and multidisciplinary collaboration in mainstream schools

Individual Education Plan (IEP) could be a powerful tool to understand students with special educational needs (SEN), provide them with appropriate support and evaluate their learning progress. Funded by Hong Kong Jockey Club Charity Trust, an electronic IEP platform has been developed under the “Jockey Club Diversity at Schools” Project. In this session, the speaker, a principal of a mainstream secondary school, is going to present how such a platform can facilitate effective communication and collaboration between students with SEN, their parents, teachers and multidisciplinary professionals.

第二天下午工作坊:4.3 揉合跨專業訓練元素於特殊學習需要之親子治療性小組中

講者:香港聖公會福利協會團隊 – 顧靜儀女士、高寶琪女士及陳詠儀女士



Multi-disciplinary collaboration on parent-child SEN therapeutic training group

A multi-disciplinary team of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council has worked collaboratively to develop an integrated parent-child therapeutic training program with incorporation of sensory integrative, expressive art and mindfulness training. The training group aims at promoting children with special educational need’s emotional regulation and attention, it helps to facilitate their learning. In order to enhance training effectiveness, multi-disciplinary team has conducted the group by diversified means like parent-child and even parallel training groups. The children and their parents have applied the learnt skills on daily life through the experiential learning from trainers’ instruction and demonstration in the group.

第二天下午工作坊:4.4 育有特殊教育需要(SEN)或患自閉症譜系障礙(ASD)孩子的父母和他們的社會心理調適(包括功能和康健)

講者:李華坤先生 – 努力試課程訓練中心


  1. 特殊教育需要/自閉症兒童及其父母有什麼特徵?
  2. 特殊教育需要/自閉症兒童及其父母面對什麼問題?
  3. 特殊教育需要/自閉症兒童的父母有什麼需要?
  4. 如何讓特殊教育需要/自閉症兒童的父母有效地適應他們的父母身份?

Parents having special education needs (SEN)/autism spectrum disorder (ASD) kids and their psychosocial adjustments (including functioning and well-being)

  1. What are the characteristics of SEN/ASD kids and their parents?
  2. What are the problems of SEN/ASD kids and their parents?
  3. What are the needs of these parents?
  4. How can these parents adjust to their parenthood effectively?